Switching to Organic Sanitary Pads Is
Always The Best Choice – Know Why.

Menstrual hygiene and comfort are polar opposites. The foul odor, hormones acting up, and you
becoming grumpy and moody add to the mess created by your period blood. To make matters
worse, the menstrual products available do not make life any easier. You wish for an easier and
better solution for your menstrual woes because of the risk of staining your clothes or the rashes
that sanitary napkins cause, as well as the way that the fragrance in the sanitary napkin triggers
your migraine!

Another dilemma that most environmentally conscious women face in an organic world is finding
the right natural sanitary product to meet their needs, especially given the amount of plastic
waste produced by conventional period products. Natural and organic sanitary pads can assist
us in various ways, the most important of which is maintaining good menstrual hygiene. Here,
we will discuss the significance of organic sanitary pads and why you should switch to natural
and organic sanitary napkins.

What Are Organic Sanitary Pads?

Plant fibers such as corn, bamboo, wood, or jute pulp are used to make Organic sanitary pads.
The natural pads have a soft-top layer that allows your skin to breathe and a cellulose core that
keeps you dry during menstruation.

These organic pads are free of plastics, chlorine, latex, and carcinogenic materials, making
them safe for the most sensitive part of a woman’s body, the vaginal area. They are easily
compostable because they are free of plastics and other chemicals, contributing to a greener,
plastic-free world.

What Are The Conventional Sanitary Pads Made Of?

Over time, sanitary pads have evolved from bulky to thin, and now ultra thin, with wings,
adhesive, leak-proof layer, and other features. Similarly, the sanitary pad ingredients changed
from cotton to super-absorbent gel, a feel-dry non-woven plastic layer, and a plastic back-sheet
as the leak-proof layer.

Aside from these, the following chemicals are used in the production of sanitary pads:

Chlorine: The sanitary pads are bleached in chlorine to make them look white. This is what
gives them their crisp, white appearance. Dioxin, a highly toxic pollutant, is produced during the
bleaching process.

Rayon: It’s a less expensive synthetic fibre made from wood pulp that improves pad absorption.
Women’s skin, on the other hand, is more delicate.

Glyphosate: It is a cancer-causing pesticide. Since this chemical can stay on cotton for a long
time after it has been harvested, the majority of the pads tested positive for it.

Fragrances: Artificial fragrances and odour neutralizers are now included in sanitary napkins,
which can enter the bloodstream and cause side effects, allergies, and other reactions.

The disposable pads marketed as cottony soft are not made of cotton. This horrifying reality
nailed it on the head for us to seek out healthier, more comfortable, and environmentally friendly

Why Should You Switch to Organic Sanitary Pads?

The following are some of the reasons why you should switch to biodegradable organic cotton sanitary
pads from conventional sanitary pads:

Rash-free and soft

Since natural or organic cotton pads are made of cotton or other natural fibres such as corn and
bamboo fibre, they allow trapped heat and moisture to evaporate due to improved airflow,
allowing the skin to breathe. This is important because, during menstruation, trapped heat and
moisture in your private parts can cause infections and skin irritation. The soft top layers made
of cotton or corn are much softer than the synthetic plastic ones found in traditional pads,
preventing rashes, irritation, and skin allergies in the vaginal area during periods. As a result,
the risk of infection from bacterial accumulation is reduced.


Natural and organic sanitary pads, unlike ordinary pads, can have a significant and positive
impact on waste generation. These pads are easily biodegradable because they are made from
natural materials such as cotton, corn fibre, and bamboo fibre.

Single-use plastics can take up to 800-1000 years to decompose, while organic cotton pads
degrade in just two years, assisting us in our efforts to create a more environmentally friendly
and sustainable environment.


Ordinary sanitary pads contain polyolefins, which can irritate the skin. It’s made of synthetic
materials and contains toxic dioxins, making them prone to further deterioration. When you
choose an organic option, you are essentially choosing a more hygienic and chemical-free
lifestyle. These pads are also recommended by gynecologists because they do not cause
allergies and rash. Since the pads are made of natural materials, they are soft, cushiony, and
extremely comfortable, so you won’t even notice you are wearing them.

Help Farmers And Animals

If you’re still on the fence about switching to these pads, look no further. Using organic cotton pads
benefits both the environment and the farmers who supply the raw materials for the
chemical-free pads.

These raw materials for making organic cotton pads are grown organically and without the use of
harmful pesticides by the farmers. This protects their land from the harmful effects of dangerous
chemicals, allowing them to continue growing crops.

Since organic farming does not use insecticides, birds, insects such as bees, and butterflies are
protected from unintended and unnecessary harm. This boosts pollination and insect
population. So, if you want fertile earth, opt for organic sanitary pads.


Despite concerns that organic cotton sanitary pads are more expensive, the price difference between
organic and conventional sanitary pads isn’t as significant. A cup of coffee or a pizza, for
example, is significantly more expensive than a month’s supply of organic cotton pads.

Therefore, spending a little more on a more comfortable, healthier, and eco-friendly option is a
good bet, as it also benefits your body and contributes to a healthier and safer environment.

We all want a period that is both healthy and painless. So, what could be better than switching to a healthier option that is also good for the environment?

Use natural and organic cotton sanitary pads to help the environment heal and create a better, greener world for future generations.

Furthermore, if the benefits of organic cotton sanitary pads have piqued your interest, here is something to keep in mind. When looking for organic pads, look for the Global Organic Textiles Standard (GOTS) certification. It’s a simple way to ensure that the products you purchase have been grown, manufactured, and treated organically.

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